The main objective of the INCT on Biodiversity of the Blue Amazon is to establish a National Cooperation Network in Science and Technology with broad capacity for research, training of human resources and extension on the biological diversity of the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) and beyond the sea in a integrated and multidisciplinary, aiming at investigation and monitoring that allow qualified analyzes to expand the predictive potential on the effects of climate change and anthropogenic impacts and thus propose mitigation strategies for the conservation of biota and all its biotechnological potential and other ecosystem services. This proposal, therefore, will contribute significantly to Brazil's Decade of Ocean Science Plan.

Describe the spatial patterns, in horizontal and vertical strata, of the composition of the biological community (bacterioplankton, archaeoplankton, phytoplankton, zooplankton, intermediate and top predators, and the plastisphere), its temporal variability and relationship with physicochemical properties of the Ocean.
Consolidate a biodiversity baseline, from the bottom to the top of the food web, as a robust inventory so that any changes in biodiversity patterns can be promptly verified and, if necessary (non-natural causes), mitigated or remedied.
Investigate the dynamics of pelagic-benthic coupling, comparing the functioning and efficiency of the biological pump, in ecoregions under different levels of influence of climate change.
Analyze long time series of data to evaluate the resilience and functionality of biological processes in the pelagic environment, from the molecular to the ecosystem level, in the Exclusive Economic Zone under different levels of spatio-temporal variation of physicochemical properties, with special attention to extreme events resulting from climate change.
Formulate predictive models on the influence of the physical-chemical environment (including oceanographic processes) on patterns of biological diversity in the Brazilian exclusive economic zone.
Identify hotspots (Oases) of biodiversity and their stability in time and space as potential new Areas of Biological and Ecological Significance (EBSAs – Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas).
Characterize and quantify the diversity of microplastics in the regions under study, their ingestion by biota and consequent transfer to the ocean floor (vertical flows).
Evaluate the trophic transfer of trace elements and organic compounds of natural and anthropogenic origin, and their biomagnification in pelagial food webs, along latitudinal and longitudinal gradients of the Brazilian exclusive economic zone and identify possible critical sectors (hotspots) of contamination.
Assess the state of fishing stocks by ecoregions based on studies already available, as well as carrying out new assessments, and carrying out a strategic management assessment (MSE).
Prospect compounds or organisms, and select those with important biological, chemical, physiological or genetic characteristics for application in industrial processes and products.
Produce metagenomic libraries, with the aim of mining natural gene sequences of biotechnological interest, applying the most modern computational molecular optimization techniques, as well as producing them on heterologous expression platforms based on photosynthetic microorganisms.
Promote integrative research methods and training of human resources on oceanographic processes and their influence on biodiversity patterns in the Blue Amazon.
Promote the formation of an oceanic culture and raise awareness among different audiences about the importance of the biodiversity of the Blue Amazon for Brazil.
Find out the objectives of the INCT on Biodiversity of the Blue Amazon are.