Reading Suggestions
The INCT on the Biodiversity of the Blue Amazon recommends some relevant publications to understand the fascinating marine world.

Oceanographic Studies: from instrumental to practical
Danilo Calazans
An oceanographic research cruise is characterized by being multi and interdisciplinary, covering data surveys in the four branches of Oceanography: Biological, Physical, Chemical and Geological, in which collection devices ranging from those considered simpler are used - such as a thermometer – even the most sophisticated ones – such as CTD and echosounder for fishing and geological prospecting. Therefore, keeping these characteristics and possibilities in mind, this book was prepared to give educators, researchers, technicians and students in areas linked to studies in Marine Sciences an overview of instruments and equipment, their characteristics, functioning and care in their maintenance before, during and after boarding an oceanographic research vessel.

Introduction to Marine Sciences
Jorge P. Castello e Luiz C. Krug
The book, Introduction to Marine Sciences, the second in a series of titles to be produced, is part of this initiative and was prepared with the collaboration of teachers from several national educational institutions, introducing students to basic concepts of Marine Sciences, with the aim of backdrop the ecological systems and dynamic processes that characterize the Brazilian sea and its zones of influence. The objective is for the work to reach students from undergraduate courses in Fisheries Engineering, Oceanography, Biological Sciences, Aquaculture Engineering, among others, as well as postgraduate programs in the area of Marine Sciences, contributing to the improvement of training of human resources in this field of knowledge.

Notions of Oceanography
Joseph Harari
The book includes 37 chapters, totaling more than 900 pages, distributed in: History of Oceanography, Geological Oceanography, Physical Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Biological Oceanography, Oceanography in Practice and the Professional Oceanographer. Therefore, the book covers practically all the most important topics in modern Oceanography, with the aim of enabling the appreciation of a large number of areas of activity in this science. Readers will find very well designed and illustrated texts about the beginning and
development of Oceanographic Science, the composition of the Earth's interior, the oceanic relief, sediments on the sea floor, Marine Geophysics, fluid dynamics and marine circulation, waves and tides, physical characteristics of the Southern Ocean, the composition of sea water, organic and metal pollution, marine bioluminescence, life in the sea, its inhabitants and ecosystems, the profile and work of the oceanographer, among others.

Antarctica, Arctic and Climate Change
Sílvia Dotta (Coord.), Fabiana Costa, Francyne Elias-Piera, Manu Bassoi, Vanessa Carmo, Thiene Cassiavillani
In this book you will be introduced to the natural and anthropogenic aspects that influence the global climate. Are climate changes irreversible? Can we do something to improve conditions on the planet?
Learn about the influences of polar regions on the climate and learn how to contribute to curbing the impacts of global change.

Antarctic Mentality: the mediation of science by educational technologies.
Sílvia Dotta
This book presents the theoretical-methodological foundations for the creation and implementation of polar science dissemination actions by InterAntar, a program created by Profa. Dr. Sílvia Dotta in her extension activities at Federal University of ABC.
All projects and materials published by InterAntar are free to access and can be found here on the website. In the book, the course and video channel Antártica ou Antártida? and the PolarCasters project and course.